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Map View Widget (CX)

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About Map View Widgets

The map view widget shows response region counts for US and World maps.

Types of Dashboards

This widget can be used in a few different types of dashboard. This includes:

Field Type Compatibility

Either the Text Set or Text Value field type can be used for the map view widget. In preparing your data for your map view widget, state fields should be coded by state name or state abbreviation (e.g., ID, UT, NM). Country fields can be formatted by country names (e.g., France, Singapore, Nigeria) or by the ISO ALPHA-2 or  ISO ALPHA-3 code found here.
map view widgets displaying the US map and world map

Qtip: Although ISO ALPHA-2 and ISO ALPHA-3 country codes will always work, not all country names do. Several countries have specific naming conventions, including:

    • The United States of America must always be written as United States
    • United Kingdom cannot be abbreviated as UK
    • The Democratic Republic of Korea must always be written as South Korea
    • The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea must always be written as North Korea

If you’re noticing certain countries not pulling through, try using the ISO ALPHA-2 or ISO ALPHA-3 code instead.

Qtip: The map view widget will only export data for countries displayed in the map view. The widget will not export smaller countries like Singapore and Hong Kong, as they cannot be seen in the map view.

Widget Customization

You can easily customize the content, colors, and labels in a map view widget.


Add a metric to your widget. We advise only having one. If you add multiple metrics to your widget, make sure you specify which you plan to use for the widget under the Color Metric dropdown.

You can add any metric to your map view widget, including count, average, or NPS. See the Widget Metrics page for more on configuring these settings.

Location Dimension

Select the field where data is stored for either your state or country. Remember that the data in this field must adhere to the naming principles listed above.

the location dimension dropdown


Select either USA or World.

the map dropdown


Add labels for LocationCount, or both.

the labels dropdown

Number of Color Ranges

Set the number of ranges you want in the widget. The range determines the color of each state or country. This number does not include the minimum, maximum, or “No Data” fields.

the number of color ranges option

Color Palette

Select the color palette for your ranges. If you don’t want to use the entire range, click the color you’d like to use as your Start Color. If you want to reverse the order of the colors, select Reverse Colors.

the color pallete dropdown

Color Ranges

Define your ranges. In any given range, the lower number will be included in the range and the upper number will be excluded. So, if a range is 10-20, 10 through 19 would be included in that group.

Qtip: If your widget’s metric is in the percentage format, then you should enter percentages for your color ranges. Percentages are entered as a decimal ( e.g., 0.2 for 20%, 0.25 for 25%, and so on).

the color ranges options

You can also specify different colors for each range in this section if you don’t want to use the color palettes.

choosing a color for a range

Legend Position

Decide where to place your color legend.
the legend position dropdown

Legend Values

Change the labels for your legend values.
the legend values labels